Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Erinna's need... :p

Posted by ~~Nina Erinna ~~ at Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hehe…sounds demanding nye ma title tu kan..hehe..xdela..i’m not dat type desperate shopper la weh....n I will not shop till drop..ahaks.. “r u sure?? “ come on…don’t be hyporitela nina…Xde mcm nie…sbnarnye dis all for motivate me to be more hardworking..find xtra money for myself,..hehe..

1. Coach Handbag

Actually, i did see this lovely n fabulous bag at COACH store @ the gardens K.L..hish..terpukau btol tgk beg nie..very fashionable..x nmpk muda sgt n x nmpk tua rase cam sesuwei je ngan i..ahaks..really love it..need it..and i will get hook @ by crook..

2. Coach Wallet

Upgrade..upgrade...i need to change ma xdela skrang nie..yg ELLE tu still ok..i love dat purse very much bcoz tu adiah dr ma beloved fiance..he2..i juz need it to fulfill ma wish..n skang nie dis purse becomin top five in ma wishlist..eii..terlebeh sudaa...i'm sorry!!

3. DKNY watch

Tik..tik..tik..detik2 waktu..he2..i also need a new watch!!n I choose DKNY for this time..i already tried it with ma beloved fiancé but still do hev any budget to buy it at dat day..huhu!!lgpun, I nk beli sendirik own money!!hehe..kate kena beli duit sendiri laaa….ape2pun..go go Erinna!!work harder!!aja2….!!n dis time i choose GOLD...bcause its really cool...wpun sblm nie mcm x suke je kn..bese la bile2 pn bleh brubah kn...ahaks..

4. Perfume Ralph Lauren Euphoria

Wat a nice smell!!if he know dat this gonna be my wishlist, abbess i..bkn pe, mase time we all nk beli perfume utk msg2, he had suggest me to buy this perfume, but I refused..i buy another one, n dat is ETERNITY..huh!!last2 regret..hee…kaco je!!ye la..kalo daa byk ade depan mate, bleh jadi sasau ..x tau nk pilih yg kali definitely I will buy dis…….Best Wokkk!!!ehemm….tagline sape ntah yg wok..wok nie..terikut2 plak..adeh...



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