Sunday, July 19, 2009
1st Step
juz nk update on 17 & 18 th July 2009, i ngan mr.duke ( ma fiance ) just got SIJIL PRAPERKAHWINAN..hehe..baru dapat g la kiterog nie 2 hari dpt le ilmu dlm alam rumahtangga nie..hope leh apply la nanti..dr segi sikap, uruskn family..bkn pe, tkt nanti susah di kemudian must change afta married..masak tu yg xpela slow2 takkan terus nk masak nasi minyak kn..he2..
so afta g kursus kawen, aku da start nk kena g amik borang kt pejabat agama, start call bridal tu bridal nie, diskus ngan mr.duke bout the theme kt umh dier n umah i kn..eii..byknye keje..lace yg beli kt Jakarta baru nie pun x tempah lg, bkn pe x tempah lg tkt nanti leh nmpk nye detik by detik x turun pun berat ku ini..huhu.xpela...nk try gak..dpt trn 5-6kg ok la..asal nmpk x dela demuk2 sgt..
Then, i need to go to spa..da amik course for ma face treatment on dis 2-3 months..n afterwards, i need to go to lulur n wat so ever..huhu..erm..ingat kawen senang aje..dr segi menta1 fizikal n money2 pun kena stabil...kalo x, huh!!ponat den..
eii..ape lagi x wat nie ek..?erm..arghhh mls fikir can u think on behalf of me??...i da penat la u...
haaaa...nk citer pasal my nie aku g spa kn dier..amboi suke la tu..nyampah btol..pastu ade la reddish swift dtg..mak oiiii, dgn body kit nye, dgn tinted nye..i pun duk la jenguk2 cam tu la, mls nk tgk lebih2..empunya dier tu a guy plak budak2 lg la..patut la cam tu ketenye..dulu2 aku x suke sgt nk modified2 kete nie..terima je bentuk yg asal, tp setelah tgk yg bdak tu..walaweh...perghh..2 3 kali telan air liur ni...hehe..
try la bgtau mr.duke kn pasal nie...;blom pape lg, dier terus ngomel, kalo u x abis duit leh la wat tu..kalo i baik i wat business...!!eii..ade plak camtu jwbnye..geram je..
xpe2..nanti kalo i x abis duit, i bkn setakat modified kete, ngan u2 skali i modified tau...ahaks..jgn mare!!
ok tu je nk citer..apepon, i like the way u are ma babybluish n ma cayang..
till me again..bubye
Monday, July 6, 2009
4 months didnt update dis blog...:(
Here, i wanna dedicate this beautiful song to myself!!!!
I can almost see it
That dream I am dreaming
But there's a voice inside my head saying
"You'll never reach it"
Every step I'm taking
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking
But I gotta keep trying
Gotta keep my head held high
There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb
The struggles I'm facing
The chances I'm taking
Sometimes might knock me down
But no, I'm not breaking
I may not know it
But these are the moments that
I'm gonna remember most, yeah
Just gotta keep going
And I, I got to be strong
Just keep pushing on
'Cause there's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb, yeah!
There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Somebody's gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb, yeah!
Keep on moving, keep climbing
Keep the faith, baby
It's all about, it's all about the climb
Keep the faith, keep your faith, whoa
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
my happy mood
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Di satu saat itu...
I’ve known him since I was in matriculation in Penang..em..even he is ma school neighbour tp kat Besut or kt pekan Jerteh x penah nmpk n x penah jumpe pun..padehal aku daa byk kali pegi KOPU time la..pegi berlatih tennis…maklumla kiteorg punye skool dulu sengkek, xde bajet nk wat court tennis bertandang la kt mrsm org len..huhu… aku ngan dier nie penahla naik 1 bus time balik ke Trengganu from still x ckp n x tegur..but in a mean time aku nie smpt captured dier..aku ckp la kt member aku..aishh..dier nie ade style fred durst limp bizkit..bdn ala besar tp x la bsr mane mase tu kan…tp ye tu je la..just camtu2 je la.After sumtimes, ntah camne kiteorg da start calling n smsing each 1 yg dier tau, aku takkan call dier dulu..mase tu aku daa agak mesti dier ckp kt aku kedekut krdt lntakla..aku mmg jenis x suke nk call org tu I mean guy la..pompuan ok jak!!So tu la start kenal 1 sama kiteorg x couple..just fren..ahaks. but I know I had a good feeling towards him..dgn cara kelakarnye..he made me happy when we had a chatting n smsing..hehe..
Smpai saat I masuk UTEM and he masuk UiTM pn we had a good frenship on phone saje la..sms 1 saat..he approach me..OMG!!OMG!!I cannot do this..i xleh trima dier mase tu coz ma heart is belong to sumone else..i need to remember that..before this, I slalu blocking when sumone nk bknalan ke ape sume..So in dat time, I pun block dier same..sedeh tu ade tp might be this is our destiny..just being fren not more than dat..after that, after a while he is not called me, not smsing am i..yela kn..lelaki n pompuan sbnarnye xleh kwn rapat sgt..huhu..even in a phone..might be lebih baik mcm nie..So year by year…we did not hev a conversation, xde berita, suddenly ade la housemate I, wat sms ma idea bg kat my mum, che su, n him…sms tu cam nie cite dier, mc made kecemasan u need to call me ASAP!!!n ma mum mmg call la I mase aunty pun tepon gak.. n when I smsing to him, suddenly he called me..what a surprise.!!so slm hati I, ooo…dier ingat lagi kt Erinna yer… mase tu I know he already hev a gurl..rasenye one of ma member bgtau…so I just say Hi..n after dat call, xde contact2….
We still contact each other..smpai tahap aku ade mslah pon, aku call dier..ape2 aku sms dier..huhu..x tau nape mcm tu skali..yela mase tu I belong to sumone else..nape x bgtau je dier A..teruk kn?OnLY God know y…rase bersalah..rase mcm2..mase tu la bermula sesuatu…
Sesuatu??erm..setahu aku beberapa tahun nie, aku x penah lg kuar ngan sape2 selain si A…yela..i’m not a kind a person yg kuar ngan org tu kuar ngan org pade satu hari, nk balik ke tganu..katenye kebetulan ke K.L , bleh join dier i yg agak keberatan join la ..yela x penah wat mcm nie in a mean time hati nie nk sgt2..haish…jahatnye pompuan neh…huhu..
Start from the day, ma love story begins…
Wpun byk berlaku perkara yg wat aku down gile ( xnk la tulis kn sbb I keep it as a ma big secret) ..lgpon pnjg critenye.. tp aku finish it dgn ma own decision..sume org x cmpr..aku wat decision aku sendiri!!!!huh!!legaaa....n akhir sekali yg penting aku x pernah menyesal dgn kptsn aku nie wpun mase tu ade kalenye buat aku rase bersalah krn self fish, x fkr ms dpn org..…n sume la …dats ma decision, ape2 pon I must responsible…ape yg penting, aku happy ngan life n ma sweetheart..happy sgt2..
Dats all ma love story begins..Now, I’m in one step closer to MARRIAGE and one ring in ma finger is ties between me and him …Hope the love story is never ending and could last forever!!!Amin…
To whom that I hurt before, i’m sorry for everything and wish u best of luck in ur future and also ur life..i always pray for ur happiness..
ma 1st niece
NUR SAFIYAH HANA BINTI i need to called her, hana..comey sesangat dier..she almost 2 weeks..hehe..and guess what she gonna call me???haaa.....becoz i xde pon anak sdare lg, so i x decide lg nk suh panggil yg de dlm fikiran..sprti di bawah...:
- Mama Erin --- > mcm tua aje kn.ahaks
- Auntie Erin --> mcm da ade anak je
- Ma Nina --> nice but akan difikirkn
- Cik Na ---> mcm bese je..
- Ma Rin ---> cantek gak la sket2..
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Erinna's need... :p
Hehe…sounds demanding nye ma title tu kan..hehe..xdela..i’m not dat type desperate shopper la weh....n I will not shop till drop..ahaks.. “r u sure?? “ come on…don’t be hyporitela nina…Xde mcm nie…sbnarnye dis all for motivate me to be more hardworking..find xtra money for myself,..hehe..
1. Coach Handbag
Actually, i did see this lovely n fabulous bag at COACH store @ the gardens K.L..hish..terpukau btol tgk beg nie..very fashionable..x nmpk muda sgt n x nmpk tua rase cam sesuwei je ngan i..ahaks..really love it..need it..and i will get hook @ by crook..
2. Coach Wallet
Upgrade..upgrade...i need to change ma xdela skrang nie..yg ELLE tu still ok..i love dat purse very much bcoz tu adiah dr ma beloved fiance..he2..i juz need it to fulfill ma wish..n skang nie dis purse becomin top five in ma wishlist..eii..terlebeh sudaa...i'm sorry!!
3. DKNY watch
Tik..tik..tik..detik2 waktu..he2..i also need a new watch!!n I choose DKNY for this time..i already tried it with ma beloved fiancĂ© but still do hev any budget to buy it at dat day..huhu!!lgpun, I nk beli sendirik own money!!hehe..kate kena beli duit sendiri laaa….ape2pun..go go Erinna!!work harder!!aja2….!!n dis time i choose GOLD...bcause its really cool...wpun sblm nie mcm x suke je kn..bese la bile2 pn bleh brubah kn...ahaks..
4. Perfume Ralph Lauren Euphoria
Wat a nice smell!!if he know dat this gonna be my wishlist, abbess i..bkn pe, mase time we all nk beli perfume utk msg2, he had suggest me to buy this perfume, but I refused..i buy another one, n dat is ETERNITY..huh!!last2 regret..hee…kaco je!!ye la..kalo daa byk ade depan mate, bleh jadi sasau ..x tau nk pilih yg kali definitely I will buy dis…….Best Wokkk!!!ehemm….tagline sape ntah yg wok..wok nie..terikut2 plak..adeh...