Monday, April 12, 2010

April comes again!!!

Posted by ~~Nina Erinna ~~ at Monday, April 12, 2010 3 comments
Hi peeps!hi fellas...hi everyone!!
hehe,,,da lame x update so bz nowadays..ade bisness kecik2an yg nk update blog mmg xde mase...hehe...:) plus i really mls nk tulis blog..smbg yg hunnybunny moon ari tu pn hang smpai situ plak nk nyambung!!
Urmmmm, i wanna share a very gud news!! Im preggy!!!Alhamdullilah...syukran jazilan Ya Allah kerana memberi rezeki yg x ternilai..even baru 3 months married, mmg i berusaha utk dptkn cahayamata awal coz im 26 already, nk tunggu ape lg kn...hehe...syukur x terhingga kepada Allah yg telah memberi rezeki seawal ini kpdku...huhu..
Actually, ma kandungan baru 4-5 weeks..still awal lg, but im pretty excited..this is ma 1st baby...:) sape yg x excited lg2 i mmg x expect i preggy lnsg...hehe..Alhamdullilah..alhamdullilah..alhamdullilah...
Nak tau x cemane i boleh test i preggy tu??camnie, on 7th April tu seperti bese, i akan pi bank, do all transaction ditemani oleh Kak Gee ( ma sweet kerani ), mmg pn slalu ajak dier pi situ pi sini sbb kt bndr k.t nie susah dpt, kalo dier accompany i, senang i nk turun wat mcm2 n dier jage kete..hehe..ok le, smbg ...after doing all the transaction @ bank, i pn ckp kt ma kerani, yg i teringin sgt nk mamam KFC!!kah2..i pn xtau nape tghari2 tu i rase nk makan KFC!!pelik sbb besenye xde la smpai nk sgt2 smpai xleh thn! then after decided KFC mane plg sedap n dekat, we decided to eat @ Giant...I pn mkn dgn happynye, smpai tgk ayam air liur meleleh2..haha,yuck!!yg heran nye smpai camtu skali...KFC je pun..hahaha...:)) tu nk dijadikan cerita la tu...
After balik, xde ape2...just kenyang n happy dpt makan...
After office hour, i pn singgah farmasi kejap nk beli preggy test..saje je sbnrnye ..mmg x aspect preggy coz i skt perut cam nk period, lgpun br je 2 hari period lmbt..mmg 100% x aspect..mcm bln lepas2 tu ade gak rase2 x pregnant pn..kua kua kua..:))
So, after being shower ngan hati bese2 je pn wat home test pregnant...terkejut mak datok tgk ade 2 line terkeluar ngan terang benderangnye....x tau la happy ke sedeh ke cemane ke, airmate mencurah2!!!uwaaaaaa.....yes...uwaaaaaaa...yes...haha..mase tu ma hubby xde coz x blk lg umah..
After 5 minutes, ma hubby pn balik, depan2 pintu tu jugak i tunjuk pregnant test kn xma hubby xde la tkejut sgt but then i suh dier pi beli lagi pregnant test, mane tau kot2 x btol ...pegila si hubby ku nie...bkn 1, tp 2 pregnant test dibelinyaa...sekali ngan asid folic,hahaha..;.cepat sungguh, nmpk x excited la lelaki kn...kalo pompuan, ape2 mesti nmpk..lelaki selamba jerrr walhal dlm hati happy bagai..
so after 3 test, 3-3 positif...Alhamdullilah...esoknya, pagi2 lagi bangun we all ke klinik utk confirm ngan doctor..hehe..x caya lg tu??...after jupe doctor,mmg confirm im 4 weeks pregnant n due date will be 14 dec 2010, insyaAllah...
Im so happy!!im gonna be a mommy!!...yeahhh..yeah....

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